
Saturday, February 12

training update

I spent most of the week recuperating from a nasty sinus infection that hit me out of no where on Monday. Had me walking around like a drunken sailor. So I didn't really feel much like training this week at all. Plus Eliana had her first (& hopefully) last bout of strep throat and is still recovering from that so I've been giving her a lot more TLC. I'm looking forward to getting back into my grove this coming week.

Training Update: Today was our second Saturday morning training as a team. We actually got to do our training at Eagle Creek Park. I only been there once before and it was almost 6 years ago. A very beautiful park even in the throws of winter.

Since I was still recovering & didn't want to over do it, i thought it best to only walk today. I walked with another newbie to the team (Jen - a school teacher turned stay at home mom. Its too bad we didn't' have more in common) and an experienced participant (John who is a wealth of information about training for endurance events). So we did a lot of talking.

We did a 5k in just under 50 minutes. I know some of you out there thinking that is like 16 minute miles, she actually is slower than a turtle. Well, my rebuttal would be I was the oldest of the trio, I didn't train all week due to illness and the pace was very comfortable, I never once felt I was overexerting myself. So I can't wait to see what I can do in a couple of months with some more training and a new pair of shoes (more on the new shoes next Saturday - you'll see why then)

Of course I won't mention the 60ish year old male & female on our team that both finished walking the 5k before my group. i could ramble on about how he was almost a foot taller than me and used to be a runner. I could talk about how she has done 10 marathons and this was literally a walk in the park for her. But I no longer feel a need to justify myself. My pride can handle this. I simply mention them to let you know the type of awesome people I get to train with.

Of I almost forgot; the parking lot was covered with ice (imagine that) and I fell as I was getting back into the car. Hit my knee & scraped it up a bit but mostly hurt my wrist, please pray it heals quickly. It is really hard to wrangle my rascals with a bum wrist that hurts whenever its moved.

FUNd Raising update: I've already met MY minimum fund raising goal. Thanks to everyone for their contributions. Tim however, since he got a bit of a late start is behind. Ha, ha, Seats - behind. sorry I've been up since 0500. So until he reaches his minimum goal our focus will be on his fund raising campaign. Please visit his site (link at the top right). You can make a donation using your credit/debit card or you can mail a check made payable to LLS or if you prefer to write it out Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Then mail to Tim or Renee Seats at PO Box 206, Kennard, IN 47351.

Also mark your calendar for the 1st Annual Team Seats Euchre Tournament to Benefit LLS. It will be at Horizon Christian Church in the Fellowship Hall. Game play will start at 2. There will be a concession available for snacks & beverages. There will be prizes. There will be good times with great people. More importantly all proceeds to go to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Plus you'll be helping Tim raise his funds so he can come do the mini with me. If you'd like to make a donation or your time or talent please let me know. You can email me at

Tuesday, February 8

The Quest

When Eliana was about a year old I purchased a jogging stroller from my friend Jodi.  Boy did she give me a great deal.  We got a ton of use out of that stroller.  Unfortunately about 6 months after purchasing it we found out we were expecting Elias.  So after Elias was born we sold the stroller in a garage sale.  Now that I'm taking up jogging again, I'm on the quest for the perfect jogging stroller for me & the kids.  I've looked on Craigs list, nothing. 

I've looked on line & found several but they are rather pricey.  I mean seriously have you seen the BOB double jogging strollers. For $700 the stroller out to run for me.  I'm sure they are worth every penny, but, unless BOB wants to donate one to me in exchange for me to review it for them, (thought I'd throw that in just in case anyone from BOB is scouring blogs in search of someone to bless with a wonderful jogging stroller to review) that is way more pennies than I have to spend.  

I've seen a couple in the reasonable price range. One stroller I was considering had mostly favorable reviews but several purchasers complained about the tires not holding air & going flat on runs.  Uh to me that is a problem.  I don't want to be 3 miles from home & have to push my 2 children (with a combined weight of 60#)  back in a stroller that weighs 35# by itself and that has flat tires.  Admittedly that would be a great workout though. 

The one pictured on the right is an In Step Flash Fixed Wheel Double jogging stroller.   This is the one that I'm leaning towards.  I just want to wait a bit & see if by some miracle someone posts one similar to Craig's List in the next week or so.  If not I'll have to buy a brand new one.  Which means saving my allowance for several weeks.  But it will be well worth it once Spring arrives and me & the kids can get out & enjoy more easily.  Spring is coming right?

So the quest continues.