
Monday, February 21


Yes I know I'm a bit behind on keeping you all up to date on my happenings. So here goes a marathon long post. Just kidding. I'll try to keep to my even and only make this a half marathon.

1 - found & purchased a double jogging stroller from Craig's List. Now if we could just get the weather to cooperate fro more than 4 days. Although I did love the few brief jogs I did get last week.
2- I get to go back to Curves tomorrow. I haven't been in I think 3 weeks. We had an ice storm so they were closed, then I was terribly sick, then last week the one day I tried to go my car wouldn't start. So then my car was in the shop all last week & we still don't know what the problem is.

3- Went to training this past weekend. We were in Broad Ripple. Walked on the Monon for an hour with my training buddy Jen. we both needed new shoes so walking was best. I think next week we may start jogging.

4- Momma got a new pair of shoes. This past Saturday our training site was moved to Broad Ripple because after our training we meet at the Blue Mile (formerly the Running Company) to have a footwear & apparel clinic. They talked about why its important to wear the proper clothing, shoes & accessories.
Then we had the opportunity to have a short gait analysis - basically they put you on a treadmill and video tape you running from the knee down. (If you've not had this done and you like to do a lot of walking and/or running I highly recommend it.) Then they tell you what your gait type is & what type of shoe will help make you a more efficient runner. I'm a pronator (my feet roll in when they strike the ground). I need a stability shoe. The ones I had were very old and the reason the probably hurt so much was they were a bit small.
Apparently your feet can grow with every child you have & not just the first. Okay i knew that but was living in denial. So I got a new pair of shoes that are yes a half size bigger & way more comfortable to run in. I can't wait to take them on their maiden voyage.

5- Plan are in full swing for the Big Euchre Tournament on March 5th at 2 pm. I've got prizes, lined up, food planned, and lots of fun. I hope you all can make it. Check your inbox for your invitation and/or your messages on Facebook.

Funny story/embarrissing moment: during our walk Saturday morning Jen & I meet up witha gentleman from England. Out for his "morning constitutional." Those are his words. So I say, " oh, we heard that word used on 101 Dalmations" to which he promptly replies in his very English accent, "Oh I have had that earlier, I am after all civalized." I was speechless, I know me speechless is almost unthinkable. After we parted ways - he went to meet some of his friends at the Monon Coffee Company for breakfast. I said to Jen I didn't mean to insinuate that he was not civilized I just meant they used that term when the couple went out for their evening walk. She said she understood me to mean that also and that she thought it funny & that perhaps the term has two very different meanings. So of course this inquiring mind wanted to know. So I googled the term. Here is what I found constitutional. So Jodi, maybe that will be the title of my NEXT blog. Just kidding.


  1. Cool stroller! That has to be some great resistance training! :-)

    Love the shoe/foot analysis thing too! I always tell ppl to go do that instead of guessing what shoes to wear! (And to think I used to pick them out based on color! ha!) Plus you know, new shoes always make you run faster! At least that's what my dad always told me!

  2. You made me laugh. That is for sure. I think I am going to have to begin using the word, constitutional. It would make me feel sophisticated . . . and like I dressed in fancy clothes and not pajamas ever day.

  3. Jodi - Yes I challenge you to use your new vocabulary word at least 3 times this week, but you have to do it without cracking a smile.

    Sarah- definitely new shoes do make you run faster & the stroller does add resistance. It weighs about 30# and E1 is 35 & E2 is 25 so I'm pushing about 90 lbs in front of me. Praise the lord for the man that invented the wheel.
