
Friday, February 4

Thwarted? Read Hebrews 12:1-2

Okay I'll admit that this time of year is not exactly the best time to take up training for an endurance event.  Especially when one lives in Central Indiana, where the motto is; "If you don't like the weather just wait 5 minutes & it will change."  The trouble with that is that it most often changes for the worst & not the better.  Our recent ice storm is no exception. 

I've not seen a sidewalk in this town for at least a month.  There is at least 2 inch of solid ice covering most horizontal surfaces around here.   I'm not quite as fast as the speeding trucks that zip through town driving well over the 30MPH posted speed limit, so I am reluctant to move my training outdoors.   I will attempt to attend the first official team training tomorrow.  It has been moved from Eagle Creek Park to some nearby office park that has manged to clear the roads through out.  However, my car which we park outside (we don't have the luxury of a garage, yet) is stuck in the same layer of ice mentioned above. 

I will not be thwarted though.  I'm keeping my eyes on the finish.  I continue to workout here at the house.  Jogging in place on my mini trampoline to the Wii Fit Plus jogging program.  I know its not the same but at least I'm moving.  Just not in a forward direction and Curves has even been closed since Tuesday due to the layer of ice in their parking lot.  What's next?   Oh yeah snow is in the forecast for tomorrow & Monday.   Anyone have a treadmill they want to lend me for the next couple of months: -)

Hebrews 12:1 - Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight & sin which so easily ensnares us , and

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