
Monday, August 29

Recovery is not a dirty word or learn from my mistakes.

Today begins a recovery week on my training schedule.  In the past I never had recovery weeks or days.  I never crossed trained as part of recovery.  Basically I ran because I was a runner.  I was hardcore and taking breaks and slowing down was for wimps.  Which I definitely was not.  I was logging 50-60 miles a week on an ongoing basis.  That's great if you are training for a marathon, but, I wasn't.  I didn't need to be training so hard, but, I was a runner and well runners run, don't they?  However, all that running came with at a cost.  I almost tore my Achilles tendon  Had it not been for a doctor that gave me a wake up call I may not be able to run today.  He gave me two choice stop running & heal or continue to run and tear it completely and require surgery, then you won't be able to run again.  In case you are wondering I went chose option A.   It took me getting to the point of not really having a choice to make me take some time to recover.  Learn from my mistake.  God designed our bodies to be active and move, but, he also designed us to take rest.  He himself even rested.

You may be asking yourself what does she mean recovery.  Well if you are the typically fitness enthusiast who goes to the gym 4-5 times/week and works out for an hour or less, as long as you are not stressing the same muscle group more than every 48 hours you are getting adequate recovery.  In other words don't work out the same muscle group on back to back days.  If however you are one of the slightly insane (I include myself in this category) that enjoys training for endurance events (i.e. half/ full marathons or 100 mile bike rides) you need a bit more structure to your recovery.  Now recovery & rest are not necessarily the same thing but they are not mutually exclusive either.  Typically a recovery consist of active rest.  You are still working out but you are not stressing the muscles.  You might cross train in a compatible method (i.e. water jogging or an elliptical machine) or you may simple temper your workouts by slowing down your pace and cutting back on time or distance.  I'm a train for time not distance sort (but that is for another blog currently forming in my mind).    so back to recovery weeks.  So you run slower and shorter.  The object is to be moving but not presenting the body with anything it can not easily endure.  Ask yourself could I easily speed up my pace or continue to run even further, does this run feel like a piece of cake, like I'm hardly working at all?  Then you are recovering.

When do you have a recovery week?  You should take a recovery week immediately following a major event/race or an extremely long  (i.e. added miles) or stressful week of training (i.e. a lot of speed work, etc). It is also a good idea to go into "recovery mode when nursing a cold.   A cold doesn't mean you have to stop training.  So long as you are not running a fever and you feel up to it you can go run, but, it is a good idea to use the recovery workout model for these types of workouts.

In short by taking recovery weeks and/or days you can help stay injuries, improve physical fitness/ endurance,  keep from getting burned out and most importantly make it to the finish line on race day.    So don't think of recovery as a dirty word and it is most definitely not wimpy to take recovery weeks.

Monday, August 8

Running Safely

Just in case you've not figured out from previous blog posts, I like to run.  I am a runner.  I officially accept that title as of this mornings run.  Dont ask me what was so special about this morning change in my mind how i view myself but it happened.  I no longer consider myself a walker or a jogger.  Don't get me wrong I do walk & I do jog.  However, I am a runner. 

I live in the country.  I run on country roads.  I don't get to go out and run absent mindedly.  I must always pay attention.  Here are some things that I do to keep myself safe.  If you want to be a safe runner you should too.  Please run responsibly. 

1) I always leave a map or detailed instructions on my route.  I include my departure time & the time I expect to return. 

2) I never run the same exact rout at the same exact time in the same week or on the same day of the week.  Why well lets just say the military taught me that if someone is going to to do something bad to you and they know your routine it makes it easier for them to do it.  So I mix it up.  Plus it better for your running, too.

3) Keep your music volume low.  I do wear ear bud but keep my music volume low so I can still hear cars/animals that may be approaching from behind me.  I wear buds because I ran a couple of times without them and I think the dogs were more annoyed by having to hear my music than having me run through "their" territory. 

4) I always run facing traffic.  This allows me to see approaching motorist on my side of the road well before they get to me.  I can't tell you how often I see runners ignoring this basic safety procedure. 

5) Be sure that you are seen.  I don't say this as a oo look at me I'm out running & getting in shape type of be seen  but, a wear reflective clothing and try to run after sun up.  However, that is not always ways to do especially as we go into the fall and the sun rises later & later.  So, wear reflective clothing.  If you are running on roads with motorized traffic this is an imperative.  I wear the Amphipod Xinglet Reflective Visibility Vest.  It looks kind of like those harnesses you see on kids at amusement parks attached to tethers so the parents can reel their kids in when they try to wonder off.  However this has no tether and it is better than a typical vest in that it is adjustable both around the waist and over the shoulders.  It says on the package that once you have it one its like you are wearing nothing.  While I fortunately didn't feel like the emperor in his new clothes I didn't feel like I had any additional layers on.   I also knew I was scene because passing vehicles were acknowledging me in spite of the early morning hour & the low laying clouds (uh, I mean fog).  Sorry Dad, I couldn't resist.

6) Be aware of your surrounding.  Don't ever get so wrapped up in your running that you lose track of were you are or what is going on around you.   Make eye contact with drivers.  I even take it another step and wave to them.  This lets them know I see them plus they get a nice friendly wave ontheir way to where ever they are going (most likely work).  I kind of see it as a ministry of sorts.

7)  Get out of the way.  If I'm on the road & two vehicles are passing I get off the road.  Yes I may have to stop running briefly depending on the terrain on the road side/ shoulder.  

Always remember that the road is for motorist and you are in their domain so run respectfully and above all else arrive home safely.  Run Responsibly. 

Wednesday, August 3

The Doctor will see me, when?

I have not blogged for a while.  Not really much to blog about.  My doc says not to increase my mileage so I haven't.  I actually decreased my total weekly mileage.  I even tried cycling, lets just say my knee hurts way less while running than my posterior on a bike seat.  So the bike is back in the garage.  Speaking of sore knees.  It has improved & I went for a follow up with my doc.  He wants to get an MRI but appreciates my wanting to not have any procedure I don't need so he's going to send me to an Orthopedist. 

Okay right now I am waiting.  Waiting to get in to see an Ortho Dr.  I'm hoping & praying he can tell what is wrong without the use of enormous tubes filled with gigantic magnets that move my hydrogen atom out of alignment and then track them as they move back into place and use a computer to create a visual image of said data.  In other words I'd like to avoid the MRI.  I have a thing about someone moving my hydrogen atoms around.  Just call me crazy but it seems sort of well dangerous.  What it my hydrogen atoms revolt and refuse to go back what happens then?  

Okay I've had an MRI before and I know it is painless but still so is an xray and they still put a giant lead bib on you.  Plus xrays take much less time and don't require being placed in giant metal tubes for 45 minutes to an hour.  If that isn't bad enough then you have to be "really still."  I'm the mom of a 2 & 4 year old I don't know what "really still" means anymore. besides surely laying in one position for an hour one is going to have an itch, a cough, a sneeze, a hiccup after all the body has a away to letting you down when you need it to cooperate the most. 

All that said I still am waiting to hear back about an appointment to see if the afore mentioned trauma will have to be endured or if some simple poking, twisting and others manipulating of  my sore knee will do the trick. 

Disclaimer:  If you find this blog post to be boring, annoying or otherwise irritating you may leave this page by simply clicking the small gray box at the top of your screen that contains an x.  thank you for your patience and endurance.

Tuesday, June 28

Would you like some dewormer with that?

Okay, we all come to a point in a past time realize we've crossed the line from casual hobby to a full blown endeavor.   That moment for me occurred the other day.   At the suggestion of my brother (runner extraordinary & avid fitness buff) I went to get some horse liniment.   Yes he said horse liniment.  I am skeptical but since I know that he knows he stuff I comply.  So there I am at Rural King (the local answer to Tractor Supply Company) in New Castle.  I'm attempting to procure said item without the assistance of store employees in hopes that I can escape with out having to actually make eye contact, have a conversation or otherwise engage store employees about the nature of my purchase.  No such luck.

I can not after several minutes of walking up and down several isles find anything remotely related.  So I begin the walk to find a store employee, ask for the item I'm searching for only to find it was in the very section I had been looking.  She promptly gets on her walkie talkie and speaks to another individual working in that department.  "Great" I think now two people are involved.  So much for getting out of here undetected.   So we walk over to the section for animal supplies.  We meet up with the guy from that department.  Who in his eagerness to be helpful proceeds to tell me where on the shelf the horse liniment is.  He then goes even further in his quest to be overly helpful.  "and over here is the dewormer and down here are all the treats."  To which I simply reply "thanks"  I'll just look at the liniments."   Hoping secretly to not have to go into any further explanation.  But alas no.  Said super employee goes on to once again insist that "the dewormer and treats are down here and you will want o get some of these"  Leaving me no out.  "Uh well you see I'm a runner.  I have a knee injury & it was suggested to me to try some horse liniment to help with pain & healing"  As I'm thinking OK great now here comes the barrage of questions about my crazy treatment plan.  But no much to my surprise.  Employee number one jumps to my rescue with "Oh yeah, that's a really great idea.  That stuff is great.  but you probably don't need a dewormer do you?'  My response "uh well hopefully no."  So I choose my potion and thank them for their help and head to the register to make my purchase thankful that this experience is over and secretly thinking to myself.  If my brother (it was his idea) was here right now he'd be on the floor in stitches/   Thanks TJ.  

Oh and by the way in case you are curious this stuff does help.  I haven't been able to run in about a week and a half but I have applied it when my knee starts to ache and shortly after the cool menthol sensations sets in the ache goes away.  Can hardly wait to try it on run.  Perhaps later today I'll take it for a test drive.  Although I prefer to run first thing in the morning Tim's work schedule has precluded that for today so maybe after breakfast.  me & the kids will sneak out for a short little tun to ease back into things.  Of course that will depend on my being able to get the stroller out of the garage and that folks is an entirely different post. 

Thursday, June 23

The Untitled Post

Yes I know, simply by putting "The Untitled Post" I've given this post a title. I also know that its not a very clever title either.  The problem was not lack of imagination or creativity the truth is that this post has been sitting in my internal outbox (aka my brain) for a few days now and I simply couldn't decided what to title it.  I mulled over the following "Pain equals waiting to heal"  or "Temporary Set back" or "Waiting on the Lord: a real life experience with living out Isaiah 40:31"  or I had several others that elude me at this early hour. 

Simply put I'm injured and can't continue to train.  I am allowed to still exercise and I do.  However, I've been advised to not increase mileage, stop when it hurts, etc. I am frustrated.   I've rediscovered the joy I once found in running and now I can't/shouldn't run until I'm better.   Right now its easy because it hurts.  I'm reminded that somethign is in fact wrong inside, however, on those days when the pain is less I find it extrremely challenging to not push myself for improvements.   Its hard for me.  I 'm competitive my nature.  I compete daily with myself.  I try to run just a bit father or faster or both. 

My doctor sent me to Physical Therapy in hope that they could help me repair.   At the time I felt it was a good decision.  However, since I started pphysical therapy a couple weeks ago my knee seems to hurt more than before I went.  Not that I"m blaming that I know it could simply be coincidental.  However, I've noticed that change and I'm old enough to know that if I want to continue to be able to participate in an activity that I really enjoy then I must must must rest now and allow my body to mend and repair. After all I have goals for my running.  My first is to complete another half marathon in the fall and fund raise for LLS.  Another goal is a full marathon before I turn 41.  Why?  I hate to say it less I sound crazy but I feel its a sort of calling on my life.   I run for Jesus.  I run for those that can't but wish they could.  I run because I am able to and in that I find strength to do those things that I'd rather not do at all.  I run because it makes me feel as though I've done something good for myself, I am taking care of myself and in turn taking care of my family.  Is it a ministry?  Not yet.  But it could be.  The Lord has shown me a lot of stuff during my runs.  It may sound strange but it is a part of my daily quiet time, my praise time, my time to spend with my King.  He runs with me.  I run with him.  Right now I'm having to learn to wait on Him to repair me.  To strengthen me.  So that I might run & not grow weary, walk and not faint.  So that I can get stronger, better, and be more efficient and do what he has called me to do.  Why I am not 100% certain but I do know He has something in the works.  So I wait, wonder and hope that soon the pain goes away so I can once again run.    I know that this work he has started in me he will complete.  So I wait knowing that "those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, They shall raise up like Eagles. They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk & not faint."   So for those that follow my running post to FaceBook and twitter.  Don't be disappointed if you dont' see them as regularly as in the past or if my times seem to be slowing (most likely I'm walking rather than running).  I'm still working toward my goals just once again at a much slower pace.  ;-)

Monday, June 13

Oh how I've longed for this day! I never fail to be amazed

Thank you Jesus for this beautiful day.  Not only is the weather about as perfect as it can be on this side of heaven, but, I was also blessed this morning with an incredible run.  My pace was comfortable, my music motivating, the air was cool & crisp, the sky blue and the scenery divine. 

(this was actually taken a couple of weeks ago)
Yes I did have the occasional dog off his leash to contend with and the car driving a bit to close for my comfort.  But I've long to run without completely sucking wind and without my legs screaming for me to stop the entire way.  For it to feel near effortless.  I 've had those types of runs in the past.  I really never thought I'd have them again though. 

Just 6 months ago I couldn't run a mile continually.  Now I'm running for 40 minutes non-stop & almost 3 miles.  I could even probably go farther but a knee injury has my doctor asking me to keep my mileage low for the next month.  A difficult undertaking since my rediscovered love is reemerging.  I do have a goal of completely running the Indianapolis Half Marathon in October.

I stopped running after an injury nearly had me looking at surgery on my Achilles tendon.  I then got a career, got married & had kids.  Life was is busy.  However, I've discovered that running & busyness don't have to be mutually exclusive.  If you want it bad enough you will carve out the time.  Just like I'm learning to do with my King. 

I'm not always consistent about having quiet time, but, I sure am ready to know his insights.  I'm discovering just like any tangible relationship you have to invest quality time & effort.  I'm learning that if I want him to share his insights for living, raising children, having a happy home & successful marriage I have to take time to listen to Him.   He is not a shouter though, he doesn't even raise his voice.  If you want to hear him you have to get still & be quiet.  A tall order for the once professional talker school teacher.  So I take it one day at a time and minute by minute, just like with my running.  I carve out my quiet time during naps or after the kids are in bed for the night.  I take a bible with me everywhere so I can read while waiting for appointments, etc.  No not a paper bible, I'm fortunate enough to have a smart phone and have several translations downloaded.  So I can have His word with me anywhere & anytime, since I'm rarely more than a few feet away from my phone (which also serves as my stopwatch/personal trainer & our home phone). 

All this being said I want to encourage others to take on the challenge of finding time for the important things in life.  The truly important things like your relationship with Jesus, your family, friends & serving others.  In the end its not what you know but Who you know that is going to matter.  what does God reveal to me during my runs that be consistent even if you're slow but at least steady will result in positive improvements. 

That those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.  They shall mount up on the wings of eagles.  Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, June 9

My Fundraising Page

My Fundraising Page

A long overdue thank you.

Hello Family & Friends,
First I would like to apologize for the tardiness of this update.  I seem to be in a constant struggle with finding time for all that I need/want to accomplish. 
Here is a little newsletter to update you on our Team in Training status.  We completed our event on May 7th in 3:24 minutes which averages about 15:30/mile pace.  We had a blast and combined, Team Seats raised over $3400 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  We could not have done this without your generous contributions & support.   
Our season started back in January with a Kickoff party downtown at the Rathskellar.  It was great to get to meet the coaches, mentors & fellow teammates.  I was amazed by how many were “alumni” ( they’ve participates in one or more seasons) and many had participated in more than one type of event (i.e. ran a marathon, did a triathalon and/ or a century ride). 
Our first group training or GT was moved due to snow from Eagle Creek to a near by office park complex.  Renee drove the hour and a half from our house to the west side of Indianapolis while it was snowing very heavily.  Of course she didn’t realize this until she was on the interstate and a half hour into her drive.  She arrived safely there and home again.  She was exhilarated by once again being amist her element (runners/walkers).  Tim was a very dedicated supporter of this and stayed home most Saturdays with the children so Renee could go train.  You would be amazed at how hard it is to find someone to come to your house to watch your kids at 6 o’clock in the morning. 
In mid- April, Tim’s mom came over, spent the night  & stayed with the kids so both of us could go to the practice race that Team in Training organized.  Neither of us were certain if we were ready for such a distance.  It was an 11 mile event.  However, we completed it and felt confident that completing the mini-marathon in 4 weeks would be possible.  It really helped us to feel confident in the training we Renee had been doing. 
Being a member of team in Training has been like no other experience I’ve had.  They take a bunch of total strangers, send them out in the cold, snow, ice & rain to run and/or walk and in the end those strangers are lifelong friends.  
We want to send a huge thank you to our honored heroes Carolyn Miller and Andrea Miller. Their stories of perseverance are what kept us motivated when the going got tough.
 We also want to be sure to thank our business supporters who through their generous contributions we were able to raise the funds that we did.
Big League Barbers at 79th & Fall Creek
Good’s Candies: The Original in Kennard
Granola Mom For God in Indianapolis, IN
Moe’s Southwest Grill on E 116th St in Fishers
Chicago’s Pizza on SR 67 in McCordsville
Harbour Salon & Spa Fishers
KKBB salon in E 116th St In Fishers

Tasteful times: A gourmet Food Store IN  on Olio Rd in Fishers
Thank you everyone for your support,

 My journey is not over.  There is more work to be done,
Until the last is cured & the battle won.
Tim & Renee Seats

Sunday, May 1

An Endurance Event

I now have less than one week before I will subject myself to a physical testing that few will venture into.  I will be participating I will participate in an endurance event.  The Indianapolis 500 festival mini-marathon is the largest half marathon in the nation.  many have asked me what is a mini or half marathon.  It is 13.1 miles a full marathon is 26.2. 

For those that don't know or have forgot their high school history: Pheidippides (530 BC–490 BC), an Athenian herald, was sent to Sparta to request help when the Persians landed at Marathon, Greece. He ran 240 km (150 miles) in two days. He then ran the 40 km (25 miles) from the battlefield near Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory over Persia in the Battle of Marathon (490 BC) with the word "Νενικήκαμεν" (Nenikékamen, "We have won") and collapsed and died on the spot from exhaustion.   Of course there is a bit of controversy about this & whether or not two accounts of two different individuals got muddled over time.  Either way this is where the idea of the modern day marathon gets it s roots.  (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
So I'm starting small with a half marathon to test my endurance.   So being raised never to use words that I don't know what they mean and wanting to be certain I fully understood the meaning I looked it up & provided it below.  (Courtesy of


[en-door-uhns, -dyoor-] Show IPA
1. the fact or power of enduring or bearing pain, hardships, etc.
2. the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina: He has amazing physical endurance.
3. lasting quality; duration: His friendships have little endurance.
On Saturday as I was headed out to group training I turned on the radio to KLOVE.  Where I heard the following from Isaiah 40:30 & 31
           Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble & fall; but those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. 
I was reminded how I need to make a better effort of offering each & every one of my runs wether it be a training run or a race up to the Lord.   For the flesh is weak, but, I can of all things through Christ who give me strength. Phill 4:13  So as I enter my last week of preparation before the main event.  As I'm tapering my physical activity in preparation I will by no means taper my time with the Lord.  So please pray with & for me that 
              I will set aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares me and let me run with endurance the race that is set before me.  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of my faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 

Friday, April 8

Hey there

So I'll admit I've been a bit preoccupied lately.  You see despite loving what I'm doing with Team in Training it is not my life or even my life's work.  Outside of all the training and FUNd raising I do have a life.  I'm a mom of 2.  I have a husband who has his own business that I attempt to help out by dong the book keeping.  I have a household.  I have church and friends.  I have a relationship with God.  I have all these other balls that I must juggle that sometimes my bloggy ball gets left in the corner for a while & you know what they say, "out of sight, ,out of mind."   So I know its been a while since I've posted.  So what is going on?  Have I resorted to my old couch potato ways?  By no means. 

I get up at 5:15 at least 5 days a week.  I either go to the local high school field house and do my couch to 5k (aka C25K), go to Curves and to a couple laps around the circuit there or if its Saturday I head out to where ever the Team in Training Group Training (GT) is being held that week.  Tomorrow we are at Ft Ben.  So i will actually get to sleep about an extra half hour.  YIPPEE!   Oh and by the way sign up for the fall training season have begun.  I'm already signed up for the Indianapolis half marathon.  My goal for that is to run the majority of it (lets say  about 75% or 10 miles).  I have a long way to go to get there.  I still and sucking a lot of wind when I run.  Don't seem to recall running being so intense when I was a 20 something.  Any hoodle.  I digress. 

So I'm still tracking.  Walked for 2 hours (on a treadmill) last weekend.  I was in Cincy for the Great Mid-West Home School Convention & since I don't know Cincy very well I felt it better if I stick to the hotel fitness center.  It was also nice because I could very accurately monitor my pace.   There is less than a month until the 500 Festival Mini-Marathon.  So please pray for some good weather so I can get more walking/jogging time in.  Also that the weather the day of the race would be cooperative (read overcast and about 60 or perfect running weather).  So that's where I am. 

There is still time to donate if you have not done so already.  Tim is still a little short of his goal (about $150)  so spread the word.  You can use the link at the top right column to go directly to his fund raising page and donate via the secure site.

Tuesday, March 22

The Beginning

Let's start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start.  When you read you beginning with A-B-C (alright I digress) 

I am sitting here pondering the beginning of my voyage in being physically fit, raising money for charity, etc.   I had almost forgotten about riding my bike for the American Diabetes Association when I was a kid.  It started when I found out about a friend at school having juvenile diabetes (now called type 1)  I researched this at the library because yes this was in the days before Internet and one had to go to the library to do research (unless you were one of the lucky families that owned an entire set of Encyclopedia Britannica).  I found out all the things she had to do just to live a "normal" life and all the things she had to abstain from.  This was also back in the days before pumps and testing meters and such. 

I think I did my first ride when I was nine or ten.  I rode 18 miles to raise money for ADA.   I had to go door to door asking for pledges and then I had to go back and collect my money when I was done.  One poor guy pledged $5/ mile.  I asked him if he just meant to pledge a flat $5.00.  He said no he wanted to pledge per mile.  I guess he figured since i was only 10 I would only be able to ride a couple of miles.  he was a bit taken aback when I told him he owed $90, but, he did honor his word & pay.  I've long since given up my bike for running shoes.  It is after all much cheaper and easier to be a runner than a cyclist.  Although I'm sure some one could argue against that.  What ever you do be it run, walk bike or swim, Id encourage you to find out if your favorite not-for-profit has any kind of program that you can support through your preferred means of physical fitness.  Putting hte two together is a win-win combination. 

I now have two good friends battling leukemia.  I have been wanting to get back into running since Elias was born.  So this seemed to be the perfect fit.  I could help raise money & awareness and also get some great mentoring, encouragement and training to get me back into road running. 

Friday, March 18


I have goals, both short term and long term goals.   My short term goal is finish the mini-marathon on May7th 2011(a 13.1 mile race) by walking, jogging and/or crawling if need be.  It is only 2 months away.  I also have a long term goal of training for & completing a full marathon before the end of the year in which I turn 40.  Well that is 2 1/2 years away.  I also want to lose 35 pounds by the end of this year.  So I'd consider this a mid range goal.  If I lose a little more than a pound a week on average I should be able to attain this goal.  Why do I put this out there to you so openly.  ACCOUNTABILITY!  So far my friends have been great asking me how my training is going. This helps me to stay motivated.  I"m competitive my nature that is just the way God made me.

Rest is for the wimpy, right? I mean if you want to lose weight & get into shape you've got to exercise and exercise a lot, right? You know the old sayings
"No pain, No gain."
"Pain is just a sign of weakness leaving the body."

So since I'm training for an endurance event I should exercise a lot right. I should be running daily & lifting weights at least 3 times/week. I should be cutting calories and watching my fat intake or was it my carbs or protein. Well anyway its all wrong.   Of this I have to remind myself.  My competitive nature tells me to push the envelope, workout even though the training schedule says take the day off. 
However, I must remember that I am not my own.  That my body is the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19)  So I must rest because if I fail to rest my physical body it often has ramifications not only in the physical but spiritual.  A tired body tends to have less patience with children (& husbands)   Which can lead to raised voices or anger that can lead to sin.  A tired physical body can want to eat more than is necessary to fuel it.  This can lead to gluttony.  A tired body can lead to a body that doesn't want to move at all which leads to sloth.  So I must bring my body into subjection and rest it.  I must

Moderation in all things is truly the key to success in anything. Your body needs to eat a variety of healthy foods and it needs rest. Days where its not being physically stressed so that muscles have time to repair themselves from the stress placed on them during workouts. Rest days are just as important to a training schedule as the workouts themselves. Sometimes its difficult though. Especially when  I am seeing changes & improvements.  I question, will I back slide & not come back to my training schedule for the next workout. Will a day off cause me to forget what I'm training for.  Perhaps you have the same competitive nature.  A desire to feel your body move, improve & transform.  

I've done a lot of reading and the experts seem to agree that you can successfully train for & complete a marathon by training only 3 days/ week.  The 20 something, single & no kids me would have scoffed at such a schedule.  I would have said you must log time & lots of it to complete a marathon.  After all to run a marathon takes time. 

But in March/April issue of Women's Running one of the cover articles is "Marathon Made Easy: Train in 3 days a Week!"  As I mentioned before my goal is to run a marathon so of course I bought said magazine.  The program they present consists of 18 weeks of training, but, before you can begin that there is a catch ah yes the catch.  This is not for someone that has worn a spot on their couch so deep that no one else can sit there because their contours don't match.  This program is for those that:

                       "have a strong mileage base.  The stronger the foundation, the more successful it will support the demands of marathon training.  When starting this three-day program, you should already be running six to seven miles, at least three to four times per week."

Whoa! What did they say?  I should be running 6 miles 3 times per week (at a minimum) before I embark on this program.  Okay well let's see here uh I'm still having to take walking breaks when I'm out for my 30 minute jogs.  So I guess I'm not quite ready for a running marathon training program, yet.  So I finished the article.  Perused the rest of the magazine, look at the pictures of all the smiling happy runners with great admiration and recall a time in my life when I was once one of them.  Will I get that back?  Will I once again reach the place where I feel confident enough to call myself a runner?   I'm sure trying stay tuned and find out.
       Hint:  I still have the magazine & I take it out at least once or twice a week to remind myself of my goal.
       Disclaimer:  I was not compensated by Women's Running Magazine for my presentation of their article nor was I asked to review or otherwise discuss this article.  The statements made are strictly my views and do not represent the views of Women's Running Magazine.  The article I quoted was in the March/ April 2011 issue of Women's Running Magazine (on stands now).  I purchased the magazine for my own personal use and knowledge.  In case you want to get a copy I purchased mine at The Blue Mile in Broad Ripple. 

Friday, March 11

Euchre Tournament in Pictures - sort of

And of course I got so wrapper up in the excitement once game play started I forgot to take anymore pictures.  I even forgot to get a picture of the champion with his trophy. 
Once of these days I will get myself camera focused.


Please forgive my oversight.  I failed to mention the donation of some yummy Truffles by Granola Mom 4 God. 

Sunday, March 6

Euchre Tournament

Yesterday was the Euchre tournament.   We had fun.  We ate some great food.  We raised money for a very worthy cause - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.   We raised over $200 by playing Euchre and having fun.  I'd call that a success in my book.  This was the first annual, so I've learned a few things so it will be a bit different next year but there will be another next year (if not sooner).  Stay tuned for a posting of pics & more details. 

I would like to thank these area business for their contribtions in making the event a success:
Big League Barber (Geist)
Chicago’s Pizza (McCordsville)
Good’s Candies (The Original)  (Kennard)
Harbour Salon & Spa (Geist)
KKBB Hair Salon (Fishers)
Mama Bear’s Bakery & Café (Geist)
McAllister’s (Fishers)
Moe’s Southwest Grill (Fishers)
Tasteful Times (Fishers)
The Original Pancake House (Fishers)
Wal-Mart (Greenfield & New Castle)

Monday, February 21


Yes I know I'm a bit behind on keeping you all up to date on my happenings. So here goes a marathon long post. Just kidding. I'll try to keep to my even and only make this a half marathon.

1 - found & purchased a double jogging stroller from Craig's List. Now if we could just get the weather to cooperate fro more than 4 days. Although I did love the few brief jogs I did get last week.
2- I get to go back to Curves tomorrow. I haven't been in I think 3 weeks. We had an ice storm so they were closed, then I was terribly sick, then last week the one day I tried to go my car wouldn't start. So then my car was in the shop all last week & we still don't know what the problem is.

3- Went to training this past weekend. We were in Broad Ripple. Walked on the Monon for an hour with my training buddy Jen. we both needed new shoes so walking was best. I think next week we may start jogging.

4- Momma got a new pair of shoes. This past Saturday our training site was moved to Broad Ripple because after our training we meet at the Blue Mile (formerly the Running Company) to have a footwear & apparel clinic. They talked about why its important to wear the proper clothing, shoes & accessories.
Then we had the opportunity to have a short gait analysis - basically they put you on a treadmill and video tape you running from the knee down. (If you've not had this done and you like to do a lot of walking and/or running I highly recommend it.) Then they tell you what your gait type is & what type of shoe will help make you a more efficient runner. I'm a pronator (my feet roll in when they strike the ground). I need a stability shoe. The ones I had were very old and the reason the probably hurt so much was they were a bit small.
Apparently your feet can grow with every child you have & not just the first. Okay i knew that but was living in denial. So I got a new pair of shoes that are yes a half size bigger & way more comfortable to run in. I can't wait to take them on their maiden voyage.

5- Plan are in full swing for the Big Euchre Tournament on March 5th at 2 pm. I've got prizes, lined up, food planned, and lots of fun. I hope you all can make it. Check your inbox for your invitation and/or your messages on Facebook.

Funny story/embarrissing moment: during our walk Saturday morning Jen & I meet up witha gentleman from England. Out for his "morning constitutional." Those are his words. So I say, " oh, we heard that word used on 101 Dalmations" to which he promptly replies in his very English accent, "Oh I have had that earlier, I am after all civalized." I was speechless, I know me speechless is almost unthinkable. After we parted ways - he went to meet some of his friends at the Monon Coffee Company for breakfast. I said to Jen I didn't mean to insinuate that he was not civilized I just meant they used that term when the couple went out for their evening walk. She said she understood me to mean that also and that she thought it funny & that perhaps the term has two very different meanings. So of course this inquiring mind wanted to know. So I googled the term. Here is what I found constitutional. So Jodi, maybe that will be the title of my NEXT blog. Just kidding.

Saturday, February 12

training update

I spent most of the week recuperating from a nasty sinus infection that hit me out of no where on Monday. Had me walking around like a drunken sailor. So I didn't really feel much like training this week at all. Plus Eliana had her first (& hopefully) last bout of strep throat and is still recovering from that so I've been giving her a lot more TLC. I'm looking forward to getting back into my grove this coming week.

Training Update: Today was our second Saturday morning training as a team. We actually got to do our training at Eagle Creek Park. I only been there once before and it was almost 6 years ago. A very beautiful park even in the throws of winter.

Since I was still recovering & didn't want to over do it, i thought it best to only walk today. I walked with another newbie to the team (Jen - a school teacher turned stay at home mom. Its too bad we didn't' have more in common) and an experienced participant (John who is a wealth of information about training for endurance events). So we did a lot of talking.

We did a 5k in just under 50 minutes. I know some of you out there thinking that is like 16 minute miles, she actually is slower than a turtle. Well, my rebuttal would be I was the oldest of the trio, I didn't train all week due to illness and the pace was very comfortable, I never once felt I was overexerting myself. So I can't wait to see what I can do in a couple of months with some more training and a new pair of shoes (more on the new shoes next Saturday - you'll see why then)

Of course I won't mention the 60ish year old male & female on our team that both finished walking the 5k before my group. i could ramble on about how he was almost a foot taller than me and used to be a runner. I could talk about how she has done 10 marathons and this was literally a walk in the park for her. But I no longer feel a need to justify myself. My pride can handle this. I simply mention them to let you know the type of awesome people I get to train with.

Of I almost forgot; the parking lot was covered with ice (imagine that) and I fell as I was getting back into the car. Hit my knee & scraped it up a bit but mostly hurt my wrist, please pray it heals quickly. It is really hard to wrangle my rascals with a bum wrist that hurts whenever its moved.

FUNd Raising update: I've already met MY minimum fund raising goal. Thanks to everyone for their contributions. Tim however, since he got a bit of a late start is behind. Ha, ha, Seats - behind. sorry I've been up since 0500. So until he reaches his minimum goal our focus will be on his fund raising campaign. Please visit his site (link at the top right). You can make a donation using your credit/debit card or you can mail a check made payable to LLS or if you prefer to write it out Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Then mail to Tim or Renee Seats at PO Box 206, Kennard, IN 47351.

Also mark your calendar for the 1st Annual Team Seats Euchre Tournament to Benefit LLS. It will be at Horizon Christian Church in the Fellowship Hall. Game play will start at 2. There will be a concession available for snacks & beverages. There will be prizes. There will be good times with great people. More importantly all proceeds to go to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Plus you'll be helping Tim raise his funds so he can come do the mini with me. If you'd like to make a donation or your time or talent please let me know. You can email me at

Tuesday, February 8

The Quest

When Eliana was about a year old I purchased a jogging stroller from my friend Jodi.  Boy did she give me a great deal.  We got a ton of use out of that stroller.  Unfortunately about 6 months after purchasing it we found out we were expecting Elias.  So after Elias was born we sold the stroller in a garage sale.  Now that I'm taking up jogging again, I'm on the quest for the perfect jogging stroller for me & the kids.  I've looked on Craigs list, nothing. 

I've looked on line & found several but they are rather pricey.  I mean seriously have you seen the BOB double jogging strollers. For $700 the stroller out to run for me.  I'm sure they are worth every penny, but, unless BOB wants to donate one to me in exchange for me to review it for them, (thought I'd throw that in just in case anyone from BOB is scouring blogs in search of someone to bless with a wonderful jogging stroller to review) that is way more pennies than I have to spend.  

I've seen a couple in the reasonable price range. One stroller I was considering had mostly favorable reviews but several purchasers complained about the tires not holding air & going flat on runs.  Uh to me that is a problem.  I don't want to be 3 miles from home & have to push my 2 children (with a combined weight of 60#)  back in a stroller that weighs 35# by itself and that has flat tires.  Admittedly that would be a great workout though. 

The one pictured on the right is an In Step Flash Fixed Wheel Double jogging stroller.   This is the one that I'm leaning towards.  I just want to wait a bit & see if by some miracle someone posts one similar to Craig's List in the next week or so.  If not I'll have to buy a brand new one.  Which means saving my allowance for several weeks.  But it will be well worth it once Spring arrives and me & the kids can get out & enjoy more easily.  Spring is coming right?

So the quest continues.

Saturday, February 5

the post with no title

Okay today was the first day of training.  The original plan was to meet at Eagle Creek & do our team training there.  However, due to the illustrious ice storm of 20-11.  The venue was moved to an office park complex over by W 71st & 465.  So I woke up at 0500.  For you civilian types that would be 5am.  I left the house at 0545 and arrived at said destination just in time for sign in at 0715.  Yes it took me an hour & a half to drive to a practice that last about 30 minutes.  Of course there was breakfast afterwards at Le Peeps (all I can say is YUM-O.) 

While driving in the near treacherous conditions I was reminded of how I've been made white as snow by the blood of Jesus Christ.  I listened enjoyed some time of uninterrupted worship listening to local Contemporary Christian music on the radio.  So this morning was not just a morning of strengthen my physical being but also my spiritual one as well.  Looking forward to the next practice. 

So you ask how did practice go:   We had the option of running or walking for 20 or 30 minutes.  I opted for 30 minutes.  I started out walking but quickly realized I 'd warm up a lot faster if I jogged.  So I jogged for about 10 then took walking breaks of about 45seconds to a minute.  then would jog again.  So I'd say I jogged about half & walked.  I was told the loop was about a mile & I completed the loop in about 20 minutes.  Which for today I was satisfied with.  I was after all running on snow, which if you've never done is much like running in the sand and I've learned not to compare my almost 38 year old body with my 25 year old body.  Because although I am a new creation in Christ, I am no longer the youth I was.

Friday, February 4

Thwarted? Read Hebrews 12:1-2

Okay I'll admit that this time of year is not exactly the best time to take up training for an endurance event.  Especially when one lives in Central Indiana, where the motto is; "If you don't like the weather just wait 5 minutes & it will change."  The trouble with that is that it most often changes for the worst & not the better.  Our recent ice storm is no exception. 

I've not seen a sidewalk in this town for at least a month.  There is at least 2 inch of solid ice covering most horizontal surfaces around here.   I'm not quite as fast as the speeding trucks that zip through town driving well over the 30MPH posted speed limit, so I am reluctant to move my training outdoors.   I will attempt to attend the first official team training tomorrow.  It has been moved from Eagle Creek Park to some nearby office park that has manged to clear the roads through out.  However, my car which we park outside (we don't have the luxury of a garage, yet) is stuck in the same layer of ice mentioned above. 

I will not be thwarted though.  I'm keeping my eyes on the finish.  I continue to workout here at the house.  Jogging in place on my mini trampoline to the Wii Fit Plus jogging program.  I know its not the same but at least I'm moving.  Just not in a forward direction and Curves has even been closed since Tuesday due to the layer of ice in their parking lot.  What's next?   Oh yeah snow is in the forecast for tomorrow & Monday.   Anyone have a treadmill they want to lend me for the next couple of months: -)

Hebrews 12:1 - Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight & sin which so easily ensnares us , and

Monday, January 31


The slogan for Curves is "The power to amaze yourself.'  Well I'm amazed at all of you.  I just can't get over how much everyone is rallying around me to help encourage & motivate me to stay the course for this challenge I've undertaken.  I also continue to be blown away by the financial generosity of those around me.  Thank you all that have already contributed and those that will either make a direct donation or attend one of our fund raising events.

Training update:  Not much to report here.  I've been continuing my circuit workouts at Curves and love they way they make me feel.  I also love starting my day with some time in the word and sometime working out.  I do however, struggle on the days that I don't go to curves getting up before the kids and getting my endurance workouts in.  I'm motivated on the days I go to Curves because the owner has graciously offered to come in early on those days and open early so I can workout.  I need to start thinking of my Wii as my training partner and since I have an appointment keeping it.    Please help hold me accountable to those workouts.  I tend to find them a bit tedious towards the end of the week, but until the weather improves I don't have a lot of other options.  My official training program starts this Saturday, although I may be stuck training at home depending on how bad this storm we're supposed to get is.  So please pray that the storm is not as severe as predicted and that winter weather abates soon. 

Sorry there isn't much more exciting things to report.  I imagine as the season begins my posts will hopefully become more intriguing.

Saturday, January 29

Sleeping Late?

This was my last Saturday to sleep "late"  for a while.  Elias let me sleep until 7:30.  Next Saturday I'll be getting up at 5 so I can head out the door at 6 to make it out to Eagle Creek by 7:15.  Since I've only been there once I'm making sure to allow some cushion time to arrive and find where the team meets up.

Yes I know that is probably strange that I've only been to Eagle Creek Park once & have lived in Central Indiana for almost 15 years.

Training Update:  Today is a rest/ active work day.  Read no actual "exercise" but massive amounts of house work going on.  We have just emptied the remaining contents of our previous home into this one & now must find places to hide store it.  So in short a lot of lifting, moving, pushing & pulling will be going on around here today.  When its all done the house should be presentable.  Just don't ask to see the garage.  That will be a project for warmer days.

Friday, January 28

I'm So Excited & I Just Can't Hide It...

Okay this post will cover a lot of territory so please buckle up for safety.
1st - Team in Training Kick Off Party last night was a blast.  We're going to be waking/running with a great group of people.  Who are both positive & encouraging.  Not to mention we've got some top notch coaches to train me.  Ever heard of Ashley Johnson, he's the head coach for Indy Mini-Marathon?  We also have a great Staff Lead Jessica to help us with  

2nd - There was also a chance to sign up for the Team last night at the party.  Guess who joined the Team?  Oh come on take a wild stab in the dark?  Okay, I'll give you a hint.  He's the other two legs of my Seat.  Wow! You guessed it Tim.  Yes that's right folks.  Tim is going to train & complete the mini-marathon with me.  He & I will also be FUNd raising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

3rd - We're planning a Euchre Tournament for March 5th to start about 1:30.  More information to come.  Please save the date.  

Bottom line there will be lost of things going on in our live over the next few months.  So you just might want to click the little button on the right over there that says follow so you are certain not to miss any of the news.

Training Update:
Did my Curve's circuit today. 
The official training schedule starts next Saturday.  What I like is that each workout is based on training for a given amount time & not distance.  This is how I've trained in the past with my running.  I find for me it is very effective.  Plus most of the workouts (at least until March) are under an hour so I should be able to complete these at one time and not have to break them in half. 

Thursday, January 27

FUNd Raising

You see I need some donations to start coming in.   I'm supposed to be at 10% of my goal by February 9th. 

My overall goal is a mere $3000. 

So by 2/9/11 I need to have raised at least $300.00   

I'm gong to be wild & crazy and make a CRAZY offer to anyone that donates $50 or more before Tuesday 2/1/11. I will come watch your kids for 2 hours.  Make a donation & sign up to follow me I'll kick in a third hour.  You can follow me my clicking the follow me link on the right.  If oyu have questions about how to do this let me know. I'm here to help. 
No kids at home? I'll clean a bathroom of your choice in your house & wash, dry & put away dishes or one load of laundry.   If you have kids & prefer to take option 2 you may do so.  Use the LLS box on the right & please make a donation to this WORTHY cause. 

Training update:  My goal is to post this daily jsut so I have some accountability. 
Slept late today thanks to AWANA last night causing the kids to sleep until 8.  I didn't realize how much I needed it, but, the extra sleep seems to have done my body good.  It allowed me to step up the intensity of my workout today.  Because the kids were already up I had to shorten the time a bit. So I ran for 20 minutes on the mini-trampoline today at my race pace, of course I'm not too certain how accurate the Wii is but it claims I ran just under 2.5 miles in 20 minutes.  Which would be a little over an 8 minute mile.  Sooo, I'm guessing it is a bit off.  But I do know I was moving pretty quickly and best of all it felt great.  Looking forward to my workout at Curves tomorrow please pray for no snow to delay the club opening.  I'm also looking forward to the snow melting and be able to go outside for walks/jogs.  Pray that next week the groundhog doesn't see his shadow & get spooked back into his hole for 6 more week.  I really could benefit from an early spring this year.

Save the date:  March 5th  - Euchre Tournament.  Prizes will be awarded & all proceeds to go to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.   Time & location to be announced.