
Friday, April 8

Hey there

So I'll admit I've been a bit preoccupied lately.  You see despite loving what I'm doing with Team in Training it is not my life or even my life's work.  Outside of all the training and FUNd raising I do have a life.  I'm a mom of 2.  I have a husband who has his own business that I attempt to help out by dong the book keeping.  I have a household.  I have church and friends.  I have a relationship with God.  I have all these other balls that I must juggle that sometimes my bloggy ball gets left in the corner for a while & you know what they say, "out of sight, ,out of mind."   So I know its been a while since I've posted.  So what is going on?  Have I resorted to my old couch potato ways?  By no means. 

I get up at 5:15 at least 5 days a week.  I either go to the local high school field house and do my couch to 5k (aka C25K), go to Curves and to a couple laps around the circuit there or if its Saturday I head out to where ever the Team in Training Group Training (GT) is being held that week.  Tomorrow we are at Ft Ben.  So i will actually get to sleep about an extra half hour.  YIPPEE!   Oh and by the way sign up for the fall training season have begun.  I'm already signed up for the Indianapolis half marathon.  My goal for that is to run the majority of it (lets say  about 75% or 10 miles).  I have a long way to go to get there.  I still and sucking a lot of wind when I run.  Don't seem to recall running being so intense when I was a 20 something.  Any hoodle.  I digress. 

So I'm still tracking.  Walked for 2 hours (on a treadmill) last weekend.  I was in Cincy for the Great Mid-West Home School Convention & since I don't know Cincy very well I felt it better if I stick to the hotel fitness center.  It was also nice because I could very accurately monitor my pace.   There is less than a month until the 500 Festival Mini-Marathon.  So please pray for some good weather so I can get more walking/jogging time in.  Also that the weather the day of the race would be cooperative (read overcast and about 60 or perfect running weather).  So that's where I am. 

There is still time to donate if you have not done so already.  Tim is still a little short of his goal (about $150)  so spread the word.  You can use the link at the top right column to go directly to his fund raising page and donate via the secure site.