Just in case you've not figured out from previous blog posts, I like to run. I am a runner. I officially accept that title as of this mornings run. Dont ask me what was so special about this morning change in my mind how i view myself but it happened. I no longer consider myself a walker or a jogger. Don't get me wrong I do walk & I do jog. However, I am a runner.
I live in the country. I run on country roads. I don't get to go out and run absent mindedly. I must always pay attention. Here are some things that I do to keep myself safe. If you want to be a safe runner you should too. Please run responsibly.
1) I always leave a map or detailed instructions on my route. I include my departure time & the time I expect to return.
2) I never run the same exact rout at the same exact time in the same week or on the same day of the week. Why well lets just say the military taught me that if someone is going to to do something bad to you and they know your routine it makes it easier for them to do it. So I mix it up. Plus it better for your running, too.
3) Keep your music volume low. I do wear ear bud but keep my music volume low so I can still hear cars/animals that may be approaching from behind me. I wear buds because I ran a couple of times without them and I think the dogs were more annoyed by having to hear my music than having me run through "their" territory.
4) I always run facing traffic. This allows me to see approaching motorist on my side of the road well before they get to me. I can't tell you how often I see runners ignoring this basic safety procedure.
5) Be sure that you are seen. I don't say this as a oo look at me I'm out running & getting in shape type of be seen but, a wear reflective clothing and try to run after sun up. However, that is not always ways to do especially as we go into the fall and the sun rises later & later. So, wear reflective clothing. If you are running on roads with motorized traffic this is an imperative. I wear the Amphipod Xinglet Reflective Visibility Vest. It looks kind of like those harnesses you see on kids at amusement parks attached to tethers so the parents can reel their kids in when they try to wonder off. However this has no tether and it is better than a typical vest in that it is adjustable both around the waist and over the shoulders. It says on the package that once you have it one its like you are wearing nothing. While I fortunately didn't feel like the emperor in his new clothes I didn't feel like I had any additional layers on. I also knew I was scene because passing vehicles were acknowledging me in spite of the early morning hour & the low laying clouds (uh, I mean fog). Sorry Dad, I couldn't resist.
6) Be aware of your surrounding. Don't ever get so wrapped up in your running that you lose track of were you are or what is going on around you. Make eye contact with drivers. I even take it another step and wave to them. This lets them know I see them plus they get a nice friendly wave ontheir way to where ever they are going (most likely work). I kind of see it as a ministry of sorts.
7) Get out of the way. If I'm on the road & two vehicles are passing I get off the road. Yes I may have to stop running briefly depending on the terrain on the road side/ shoulder.
Always remember that the road is for motorist and you are in their domain so run respectfully and above all else arrive home safely. Run Responsibly.