
Thursday, June 23

The Untitled Post

Yes I know, simply by putting "The Untitled Post" I've given this post a title. I also know that its not a very clever title either.  The problem was not lack of imagination or creativity the truth is that this post has been sitting in my internal outbox (aka my brain) for a few days now and I simply couldn't decided what to title it.  I mulled over the following "Pain equals waiting to heal"  or "Temporary Set back" or "Waiting on the Lord: a real life experience with living out Isaiah 40:31"  or I had several others that elude me at this early hour. 

Simply put I'm injured and can't continue to train.  I am allowed to still exercise and I do.  However, I've been advised to not increase mileage, stop when it hurts, etc. I am frustrated.   I've rediscovered the joy I once found in running and now I can't/shouldn't run until I'm better.   Right now its easy because it hurts.  I'm reminded that somethign is in fact wrong inside, however, on those days when the pain is less I find it extrremely challenging to not push myself for improvements.   Its hard for me.  I 'm competitive my nature.  I compete daily with myself.  I try to run just a bit father or faster or both. 

My doctor sent me to Physical Therapy in hope that they could help me repair.   At the time I felt it was a good decision.  However, since I started pphysical therapy a couple weeks ago my knee seems to hurt more than before I went.  Not that I"m blaming that I know it could simply be coincidental.  However, I've noticed that change and I'm old enough to know that if I want to continue to be able to participate in an activity that I really enjoy then I must must must rest now and allow my body to mend and repair. After all I have goals for my running.  My first is to complete another half marathon in the fall and fund raise for LLS.  Another goal is a full marathon before I turn 41.  Why?  I hate to say it less I sound crazy but I feel its a sort of calling on my life.   I run for Jesus.  I run for those that can't but wish they could.  I run because I am able to and in that I find strength to do those things that I'd rather not do at all.  I run because it makes me feel as though I've done something good for myself, I am taking care of myself and in turn taking care of my family.  Is it a ministry?  Not yet.  But it could be.  The Lord has shown me a lot of stuff during my runs.  It may sound strange but it is a part of my daily quiet time, my praise time, my time to spend with my King.  He runs with me.  I run with him.  Right now I'm having to learn to wait on Him to repair me.  To strengthen me.  So that I might run & not grow weary, walk and not faint.  So that I can get stronger, better, and be more efficient and do what he has called me to do.  Why I am not 100% certain but I do know He has something in the works.  So I wait, wonder and hope that soon the pain goes away so I can once again run.    I know that this work he has started in me he will complete.  So I wait knowing that "those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, They shall raise up like Eagles. They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk & not faint."   So for those that follow my running post to FaceBook and twitter.  Don't be disappointed if you dont' see them as regularly as in the past or if my times seem to be slowing (most likely I'm walking rather than running).  I'm still working toward my goals just once again at a much slower pace.  ;-)