
Sunday, January 23

Good Intentions

I've been plodding along quite nicely, sticking to my self made training schedule.  My official Team in Training schedule doesn't start until February 5th.  However, yesterday I slept right through my alarm & once I woke up at 8 it was a crazy busy day; had a chocolate tasting at 1, and preparations trying for a baby shower today at 3.  So I decided to let yesterday be my rest day & I was going to get up today to work out.  Well what do they say about good intentions. 

Staying up until 11:30 with my loving hubby (LH) makes it very difficult to wake up at 6 to work out.  What makes it even harder is that I'm using my cell phone for an alarm clock & the battery went dead in the middle of the night.  Guess I'll have to work out twice as hard tomorrow & will definitely be in bed before 10 tonight.  So back on track I go.  I hope.  Plodding along. 

Won't be going to church today since neither kid should be in Sunday school.  They both have exchanged their noses for leaking faucets.  So as not to spread the health.  We made the decisions to keep them home.  So this does free up some time for more baby shower preparation & perhaps I can fit in a brief workout.  I'll have to see if their is room enough in our living room with everyone up.  This wouldn't be an issue if the weather would just warm up and melt some of this snow & ice & I could walk outside.    I'm eager for spring.

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